My project
For quite some time now I have been watching and compararing the marketting strategies of both commercial and Open Source software and have noticed one major point. That point is that people need confidence to try new software and to gain that confidence there are several things required:
- Other users that share they're possitive experience with the product
- The 'seems easy and nice' feeling about the product
- Support for this product in case anything goes wrong or if the users wants to get informed before trying the product.
In my analysis I have observed that the overall Open Source Software lack support. Yet it has one of the most firendly Community. What I have also found is that there is support available but that it often is difficult to find or lacks activity or participants. That raises an issue because if a user has a problem or a question he is not ready to wait 2 weeks or more in order to wait for an answer. The user expects an answer within a few days just like Commercial Software have. That is because to the average user whether the software is Opened Source or Closed Source is not an important detail, what the user cares about is the software quality and its support. I believe that Open Source software will take over all the Commercial software when it can offer everything that Commercial Softwares use and more.
After all of my analysis I have decided to help the community face one of those problems. My project adress the issue of support, My project is to make a forum for Open Source Software. This forum will provide support for virutally every Open Source Software available. The forum will be divided into categories that have the name of the Operating System and then into 3 sub-categories;Operating System, Software, Developement . As every program runs in an Operating System every software will be supported in which ever forum is needed. Here is an example to clarify this concept:
If a user running Ubuntu 7.04 has a problem with he would post in to the following sub-category:
Ubuntu --> Software
This project that will be put in place will help the whole Open Source Community by providing better support for its user in one centralized forum. If you would like contibrute you can do one or more of the following:
- Spread the word about this blog and the Forum when it reached final stage
- Contribute to the forum
- Leave comments on this blog to states your thoughts and ideas.
Together we can make this project Reality
Alexandre Mounier
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Linux Full Commands Line
The most complete and updated list of commands on linux by - over 350 commands...
Linux Full Commands Line
The most complete and updated list of commands on linux by - over 350 commands...
Linux Commands Line
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