samedi 2 juin 2007

A growing Need for feedback


As you have probably noticed I have changed the Blog's look; I changed the Header to a custum Logo and below that I've added some Adsense advertisings. I would like to clarify the purpose of those advertisings, the point to have them here is that when a user such as yourself clicks on them I get a small "donation". Now you might think that the whole reason why I am going to create this forum is to make a profit, however please know that I do not and will not gain any money from this forum. The money made by those ads and the ones that will be present on the forum will cover the forum's expensise, such as the domain name, hosting,etc... and if there is extra funds the memebers will vote on which Open Source Software to give it to.

Alright, now that the financial part is out of the way about the forum's adress:
So far I've gotten little feedback for the domain name, so please do post a comment stating your oppinion, I will read and consider every post that is made, every feedback I get will be taken into consideration. So please do give some feedbacks.


4 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

Drop the fire counter and change the header.

Al968 a dit…

Is this better ?

Thanks for the feedback


Anonyme a dit…

That's going in the right direction. Looking better already. :)

Al968 a dit…

Any thought for the domain Name ?
